
Rice Yellow Peak

Every order and crowdfunding boost you make will accelerate your favorite nature guard elf into reality!

You can also “Crowdfunding" to help accelerate priority production and make your favorite nature elf hatching a reality!

Why engage me? What can I do for my favorite it?
Randy and his partner love the game, nature and creation, because with a new elf companion, collecting them becomes a new pleasure, much like yourself, part of your personality. It's very fulfilling, making sense for the Earth's nature conservation new experience with friends who can't wait to share the new pets.

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Affiliated city

Windy Golum Gity

Weight 1.15 kg
Dimensions 35.6 cm


Wind SyStem



Rebirth time

Discover the magical guard elves, each with their own unique nature abilities, and uncover the captivating story behind their rebirth. Nearly extinct in the past, these elves embark on a mission driven by revenge and the call to find Earth's true heroes. Alongside them, bond with personalized pets that resonate with your own life journey. Become a Resurrection Mage and join the fight to restore Earth's ecological balance!

Rebirth certificate:

 The Messenger’s Cry

Behold, the messenger in the sky, Seeds of wisdom sown across the mortal realms.
Their light guides us, walking among gods.
The tears of the sun god fall, transforming into bees in the chaos’ magnetic field.

But the bees vanish.
As they disappeared, so too will humankind in three years, For they sustain one-third of the world’s food resources.

Time of birth: Cretaceous (135 to 70 million years ago).

Every order and crowdfunding boost you make brings your Nature Guard Elves to life!